If your salary is
KES 50,000 a month
it means you earn
KES 298 per hour .
You would pay
KES 10,367 a month
in taxes, which is
KES 494 a day*.
That's 1 hour and 40 minutes per day
that you spend working for the Kenyan Government.
Time is money.
So, paying your tax means that you are actually giving government your time, or labour.
This project helps you calculate exactly how much time you spend working for the government.
Find out where your money is going.
** This should be your income before tax but after deductions such as health insurance. Please note that Social Health Insurance Fund (SHIF) is included as a payable tax.
Install a daily reminder of when you start working for yourself:
* This calculator only provides approximations and makes simplifying assumptions. These calculations are based on VAT and personal income tax as per the 2024/25 budget. The VAT calculation assumes all disposable income (less gross savings as % of GDP) is spent on standard rated (16%) items. Secondary and tertiary rebates are not included, nor are other indirect taxes such as customs, sin taxes, fuel levy, etc.